Model Serializer#

The serializer component enables serialization (convert into a byte stream) and deserialization of models using the Pickle tool.

Model serialization#

Any model within BESSER can be serialized as follows.

from besser.BUML.metamodel.structural import DomainModel
from besser.utilities import ModelSerializer

# Create an instance of DomainModel
test_model: DomainModel = DomainModel(name = "testModel")
# Create an instance of ModelSerializer
serializer: ModelSerializer = ModelSerializer()
# test_model serialization

The model is serialized and stored in a file named <<model_name>>.buml in the current directory. However, you can also specify the output directory and name of the serialized model file as follows.

# Serialize test_model providing output directory and filename
serializer.dump(model=test_model, output_dir="/directory/", output_file_name="filename")

Model deserialization#

To deserialize a model (for example a Model Domain of B-UML) you can use the load() method providing the model path (including the file name) in the following way.

from besser.BUML.metamodel.structural import DomainModel
from besser.utilities import ModelSerializer

# Create an instance of ModelSerializer
serializer: ModelSerializer = ModelSerializer()
# Load the model
model: DomainModel = serializer.load(model_path="/directory/filename")


For a detailed description of the model serializer please refer to the API documentation documentation.