Web Modeling Editor#

One of the practical ways to use BESSER is through the Web Modeling Editor, where you can rapidly design B-UML models and try the BESSER code generators.


The BESSER Web Editor is based on a fork of the Apollon project, a UML modeling editor.

The BESSER web editor provides a graphical dashboard to create two types of B-UML models:

BESSER Web Editor interface

Launching the Project#

The BESSER web editor can be launched as Docker containers using Docker Compose.


Clone and Launch the Project#

Follow these steps to set up the editor:

git clone https://github.com/BESSER-PEARL/BESSER.git
git submodule init
git submodule update
docker-compose up

Once the setup is complete, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080.

Using the BESSER Web Editor#


  1. Open the web modeling editor in your browser (http://localhost:8080).

  2. Select the diagram type (Class or State Machine).

  3. Use the toolbar to add elements and relationships.

  4. Models are automatically saved and synchronized.

  5. Export/Import the diagram as a B-UML or JSON file.

Generating Code#

  1. After create your class diagram, select the BESSER Generator (e.g., Python classes, Backend).

  2. Click “Generate/Download” in the toolbar.

  3. Download the generated code.


The Web Editor will soon be available online. Stay tuned for updates!